Saturday, October 9, 2010

Rough day...

I have had a rough two days. For those of you that dont really "know" me - I am a nurse practitioner in a community hospital. Some days are better than others. The last two days have been ridiculously busy. And in addition to today being super busy, super sick, super critical patients - we had some really sad cases that really pulled at my heart today. I work 12 hour shifts - but easily did 13 or 14 each day. Today I didnt eat lunch until 5pm... dont think I drank anything all day until 5. By then I was STARVING and made really bad decisions. Yes I pack healthy on the go snacks for mid day but when you are in steril garp putting in central lines, arterial lines and intubating most of the day - rest of the time running from room to room, rushing to a code on the other side of the hospital and spending alot of time talking and explaining things to grieving families... well that isnt very productive for getting to my snacks.

So now Im home, exhausted and kind of blah. I meant to get up early both days and workout - didnt happen. I wanted to work out afterwards but I can barely stay up let alone actually work out.

Tomarrow Im off - my only day off, then 3 more days on then my dad comes from Texas so no time to rest.... lots and lots to do and not to mention I need to do some planning to stay healthy come monday back to work. I need to get a run in tomarrow. I need to clean my house, grocery shop, plan meals for when my dad is here. And I run a half marathon in 6 days!


  1. I know how hard it is to be busy and both physically and emotionally exhausted. Get some rest. You will be fine. One thing at a time.

  2. I think working in the medical field takes a lot of heart! You are amazing!

    also.. " I need to do some planning to stay healthy come monday back to work. I need to get a run in tomarrow. I need to clean my house, grocery shop, plan meals for when my dad is here. And I run a half marathon in 6 days!" HoLy CoW!!!! Take a some point!! :D

  3. Thanks guys - and Trisha I hardly ever take a breather... I do best when Im on the go go go. You should have seen me last year while I was in graduate school, working full time, dealing with my toddler and regular life... this feels almost easy!

  4. I can't imagine the stress or hours you work. I'll be thinking of you. Please try to get in a little snack and water during your shift, you'll feel better.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and the GL.
