SO sorry for the departure... I thought I was done - didnt want to do this anymore. Didnt want to share how fat I felt anymore. Didnt want to share how little I was working out or how much I was eating. Didnt want to share that I felt like a failure... just two months ago I ran a marathon now I feel so incredibly blah.
Yesterday I was going through some of the post from Roni's big conference ... omg so inspirational . I would love to be like that one day. I read a few of the blog post from the people that attended and they looked so healthy, so happy, they glowed. There was pics of the 4 mile run they fit in before they headed home, the cool swag, the meeting of complete strangers who all had the same goals. It looked awesome. It reinspired me. I want that feeling back. That "Im healthy, happy, and moving" kind of feeling. But sitting here saying I want that feeling back wont bring it back - right?
Im now 12 weeks preggo. I have gained about 7 lbs - probually could have gained half that if I was eating better. I am officially in maternity clothes. My ring that I recently got resized smaller now is too tight. I have been eating HORRIBLY. Eating breakfast at home, eating a full breakfast at work, fast food for lunch, dinner, snacks, snacks and more snacks... bad bad bad. My water intake hasnt been what it should be. I havent been eating fruits/veggies. I havent been cooking. I havnt been to the gym in over 2 weeks. BLAH BLAH BLAH
I need to start small moves to get back to the mindset of where I used to be. This morning I got up and worked out. NO it was no where near my old work out but I did it and it felt great! I walked 10 min at 3.4 and 4% incline. Then did bicepts, tricepts, shoulders, back and squats. Im aiming to do another 10-20 min on the treadmill this evening. Im going to pay alot more attention to the food going into my mouth too. We have amazing local strawberries right now. I just had some multi grain cherrios with diced strawberries. It was yummy, filling and good for me.
I dont promise to be perfect but I am going to actually try to be healthier.
Missed you all...