Saturday, September 5, 2009

A good day so far...

How is it that it takes weeks of exercising or running to feel good doing it, to actually enjoy it - but then after not working out for a month you are at square one? That running sucks all over again, the breathing is hard, my side hurts, my back hurts. It isnt fun all over again. What I keep telling myself is that I know what that "good" feeling is, I have made it there and so I know that this sucky part is temporary and is replaced eventually, and hopefully sooner than later, with energy and happiness and a good feeling all the way to my bones. I know it exist and that I will feel it again .... eventually.

Today I met up with a friend, Sandi (thanks sandi) and we hit the highschool track shortly after waking up. Alittle later then my normal wake up of 6am with a three year old needing to pee since my wonderful husband let me sleep in a bit today. So at 845 we hit the track. We walked/ran 9 laps. Three months ago I could have ran almost all of them straight, definatly not now. I was almost relieved that Sandi is newly back to running (and 3 weeks postpartum... crazy girl) so I knew she wouldnt be running miles and I let myself stop after a lap or 1/2 a lap to walk a bit... because I didnt want to over do it for her... or atleast thats what I told myself. It was as much that I didnt want to over do it for me and be a failure.

Now to keep my eating under rap today. Last night was BAD. Knowing I was going full force this morning - stupid stupid me binged like crazy last night on junk. I had guacamole (yummmmm) and iced animal cookies and fruitsnacks galore. It was kind of sickening. So as far as Im concerned most if not all of my extra weekly weight watcher points are gone so Im going to try my best to stick to my daily 28 points each day and dont go over. If planned its really easy, unplanned VERY difficult.

For those of you not familur with WW (weight watchers)... I meet weekly on thursdays with my meeting group. My best friend Racheal goes with me. We weigh in then some times stay for the meeting. I do better that week when we stay for the meeting. I get 28 points a day with an extra 30 something a week. Racheal and I have been in the bad habit of using those thursdays as our time away from responsibility, away from husbands, kids, dirty houses, ect ect. It is our time to just spend on us. So sometimes after the meeting or after weighing in we go for drinks and dinner... not WW friendly. We need to get better about that!

I will post my weight weekly starting next thursday. I have gained a pound or two each week for about 3 weeks now... its pathetic!

My other goals are to start drinking more water and take my vitamin. I SUCK at taking a vitamin. I can never remember!

So while this is saturday... Im starting anew right now. Next thursday will restart my counts but we arent waiting for then to get around.


  1. Go Christina Go!!! Can I jump on your wagon? :) I know we've both tried this over & over again, we CAN do it!! what do you think about posting a food journal too? I'd love to see what you eat, etc. so I can get some ideas... :) Best of luck - stay strong!!

  2. sure ... food journal a few times a week... got it!
