Thursday, December 2, 2010

almost didnt post

I almost didnt post today. My last two days have been so awesome and today I rolled down the mountain and I didnt want to fess up about it.

Well here I am... ready to fess up. Only had 10 points left over for afternoon/dinner and decided screw it. Ate 3 oreos (5 points), took my son out to dinner just the two of us and he wanted mexican... so chips/dip, shrimp tacos. Stopped at walgreens to pick up a few things on the way home and got a bag of those caramel things with the white stuff in the middle... ate every single one of them. Why oh why do I do this??? So I lost track of points after the oreos and Im assuming I used all my 49 extra weekly points - maybe and then some.

Thats the bad part of the day... now for some so so good.

I got up and went out for my run this morning. My first cold outdoor winter run. It was COLD - upper 30s low 40s. But I was prepped for it - running tights, long sleeve shirt, vest, earmuffs. Wish I had some gloves for the first part of the run. My earmuffs didnt make it more than a mile or so and went in my pocket. LOVE LOVE LOVE my new Garmin forerunner watch... LOVE it! I did almost 5 miles - 5 was my goal. Walked alittle more than I would have liked. BUT the new watch let me know that when I was running, I was running way faster than I normally do. Did a mile or so of 8:50, most of it was 9-9:45... before I was running 10:30 max!

Tomorrow I will be back on track with the eating, even with going out for sushi - I will make smart choices! And Im having a killer workout with Nicole.

Ahhhh I feel better confessing...


  1. So you messed up today. Tomorrow is a time to do better!

  2. You slipped-move on. It could have been worse. Great work on the run. Keep at it!

    Polar's Mom

  3. I applaud you on your honesty. You messed up, but if you quickly recover it will not have a significant impact on your weight loss. Wishing you a great day filled with good choices today :)
