Sunday, January 23, 2011

a quick note

I started this blog almost a year ago. Tonight I wanted to come on and post about the positives and things that I have accomplished in this past year.

Unfortinately I am in a funk. I feel fat. I have continued to gain weight. I am having horrible self image issues right now. My silent voice is saying not so great things to myself. So tonight... maybe not the best night to talk about the last 12 months. I dont want to put down the accomplishments I have made because of how I currently am feeling about myself.

Until next time...


  1. Oh, days like that suck soooo bad! Here's hoping that tomorrow is a better day and that you can appreciate all of the hard work and accomplishments from the last year. I can't wait to hear about them.

  2. The one thing that I truly admire about you is that you aren't afraid to let it be known you are having a crappy day. The BEST thing about you, you always get back up and amaze us readers with an awesome loss or a great inspiring post about running 5 miles (or more) on a treadmill or even not giving into the damn cookies the hubs brought home! ;)
    You really should always be proud of all your accomplishments no matter how crappy the day is! Hell, I'm proud of you!!! So there :P

  3. thanks everyone - I appreciate all of the comments. I almost didnt post this post because I was worried I was sounding too debbie downer and was pushing all my readers away. I get inspiration from the comments and dont want them to go away :)

  4. It is hard to keep that negative self talk at bay. Look forward to reading about your many positive accomplishment in the year. Keeping up blogging is one. So, I am betting there are many more.
