Sunday, February 6, 2011

I can do it!

Today was the first day of marathon training that I actually felt like in the next 40 days I will get there.

We completed the entire 15 mile run. I brought my ipod with me because lately I have been running on the treadmill and havent talked and ran so I was a bit worried. YUP the ear buds never came close to my ears. We chatted and ran the entire time. I beat my half marathon time by 15 min ... yaaa! The last mile was tough mentally. My calves were TIGHT when I was done! We went for coffee and bagels afterwards and sounded like old ladies with the grunts and moans we were making after this run ... but we could laugh about it. If it wasnt the super soreness now... it was actually fun!


  1. Isn't it great to run with a buddy? :)

  2. Wow, that is fantastic! Great job! That is a long way!

    Polar's Mom

  3. HOLY SHEEEEEEEEEEET!!! I am so happy for you!! That is seriously, AMAZING!! You are doing so great!!! 15 miles?!?!! WOW!!!
