Friday, February 4, 2011

Im back

Sorry its been a few days since I have posted - its been super busy.

I worked Tues and Wed - wed was soooo busy but definately what I needed to boost my confidence. I did alot of solo work since the ICU doctor was in a meeting most of the day. I admitted several patients by myself and decided to upgrade someone to the ICU that I then ended up needing to put on life support by myself. It was a stressful day.

Yesterday was my "me" day but it wasnt nearly as relaxing as I hoped it would be. My plan was to hit the gym for spin class at 9, shower there and go about my day. Well the stupid weather made schools 2 hours late so spin was canceled. Late getting going since I had to take G to school later. Im PMSing. Hot stone massage just wasnt nearly as good as my regular massage. Didnt find a bathing suit - although yaaa trying things on didnt make me want to cry. I had to head to work at 5 for a meeting and everyone else was late so the meeting didnt start until 545 - not over until 730~! Had to get G and get him ready for bed... and instead of working out like I wanted to at home, I sat, watched tv and ate. So definately not a great day.

Last night was my first binge since monday - I know its still bad but thats WAY better for me.

I have been working on better self talk - I will post about an article someone at work gave me later today.

I also treated myself to new running shoes - proud of me that the most amazing fit was the ugliest but I still bought them instead of the cuter ones that fit ok. My toes were going numb around mile 10-12 on the treadmill last week... turns out I needed a bigger shoe... MY FEET ARE HUGE... 9! uhhh

Today is hair appt day - LOVE those days!!! After G's nap we are heading to the gym ... 10 miles planned today on the dreaded treadmill and then taking G swimming. Tomorrow my amazing best friend is taking me for a pedicure and sushi... yaaaa!!!! Sunday Im planning an outdoor 17 mile run if the weather cooperates. Monday we are Poconos bound!

be back later...

1 comment:

  1. Girl, hush about your feet. I have to buy men's shoes b/c they don't carry my size in women's very often!!!!! (size 12 womens!)
