Friday, August 24, 2012

bye bye marathon...

So I have officially decided to not run the Philadelphia marathon. I have canceled hotel plans and everything. My heart just isnt in it and that is just asking for an injury to happen. Was I a little too optimistic going into marathon training 6 months postpartum? Probually. But this is where we are now.

So where are we?

In two weeks I run the Bird in Hand Half Marathon (totally 100% excited about the entire weekend!) and then what? Well of course I have that planned out too... I am a massive planner after all. And I am very excited about my "plan". I plan to back off to 5-7 miles twice a week, sometimes adding some speed work. Then fill the rest of the week up with spin, body pump, yoga, insanity with hubby and maybe even getting a trainer again and try to learn to really swim (and breathe). Im going to focus on the activities I enjoy. Im going to focus on getting leaner, stronger, healthier.

I feel 100% confident in my decision. Im not QUITTING any thing - Im re-prioritizing life.


  1. I hate that feeling. I wanted to run my first half-marathon in October but seeing as its only 6 weeks away and my hip injury is making another lovely appearance I had to admit that I wasn't going to be in the proper condition to do it. I will still a half-marathon... but I should really wait until my hip is healed before pushing it too much.

  2. Sometimes you just have to follow your gut instinct about your training. Hopefully that alleviated some stress and you can focus on enjoying your upcoming half marathon! Things change constantly, so re-prioritizing is good :)
