Friday, October 15, 2010

wow... tomorrow...

Im sitting here lying in bed - in a hotel room in downtown Baltimore. My son is in the connecting room with my dad, who has been a great sport today and a huge help.

We got my number today at the expo. I would have loved to go through the cool running things there but it was packed and I had G so didnt stay long. Went out to dinner. And now Im relaxing.

Tomorrow is the big day! I will be up bright and early to head out to see all the events unfolding. Eric promised he would get up and take pics for me in the am. Its going to be COLD.

Very excited - hope tomarrow goes well... I will give you blow by blow tomarrow night...

Here is to finishing strong!!!


  1. GOOD luck, I'm sure all your fellow bloggers will be cheering you on! I am very inspired by what you have done and will do!!!

  2. I bet you're excited, I would be! Congrats and GOOD LUCK!! :D

  3. Goooooooood Luck!!!!! you will have an amazing day!!!
