Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday take two...

Had a pretty decent day today. Enjoyed work - usually do. Was very productive today - got home and took my dog for a run, tucked G into bed, went grocery shopping.

I put breakfast in the slow cooker - Im a little nervous. Im trying these...Click here. I am a HUGE fan of this recipe web site. I havent made anything G and I dont like yet - guess Roni and I have the same taste in food :) Im really hoping that G will try it - he likes oatmeal so we will see. I love the fact of it being ready when we wake up and the fun of adding our own toppings.

Tomarrow is a crock pot kind of day - Im putting dinner in the crock pot too since we have karate at 5pm. Cheesy chicken - then putting it on top of my brown rice/veggie mix.

Tomarrow will be a busy day - dropping G off at preschool then straight to the gym. I was planning to spin tomarrow but turns out the fall schedule doesnt have a monday morning spin - totally bummed! So I will spin on tuesday and run tomarrow. Then it will be time for some much needed Gavin Mommy time. My little man has NOT been very good lately. He has been rude and selfish. I dont know how to fix it. I think we have spoiled him a bit too much. Then it will be karate, dinner and regular night stuff.

Off to bed... hopefully when I wake up this horrible pimple the size of a mountain will be off my chin!

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