Tuesday, April 20, 2010

a mainly fabulous day!

First I work with an AMAZING group of women! They threw me a going away party at work today. They made sure that there was lots of healthy options for lunch and dessert and bought me an amazing SHOCK TRAUMA jacket! Lots of pics were taken, when they get to me I will post them.

Secondly, I got to spend some much needed time with my hubby tonight... Rachael thank you for doing kid duty for me!

We went shopping while we were out to get me a few new pairs of pants ... turns out Im not 100% a size 12 yet. I fit in about 50% of the ones I tried on. Yes they all fit up my legs and I could button them all up but some were SNUG.


  1. No Problem. I love having him here with us

  2. Do you realize that you have lost like 13% of your body weight in like 3 months! How cool are you!
