Monday, April 26, 2010

Ok time to fess up...

I gained 3 lbs this week - I weighed in this morning at 174. I am not surprised, not even alittle. For some reason once I go off course I cant seem to get back - I enjoy a tad and go WAY overboard for DAYS... I hate it. I am so terrified what maintenence will be like once I finally do get there.

I am back on track today. I have stayed within my daily points - even with eating breakfast and lunch at the hospital (first day of my new job!). I was going to go to the gym when I picked up G but that just didnt happen so once he is in bed I will hit the treadmill... fun fun. Tomarrow I am going to attempt to get to an EARLY spin class then head to work, I have to be there at 845 tomarrow.

Today was my first day of work - slightly concerned because no one seems to know what to do with me. But it will all work out.

I have to call tomarrow to try to get into the GYN - I think I found a lump in my right breast. Its alittle tender which is normally a good sign but it might be tender because I am constantly seeing if its still there. I am only stressed about it right now because I also have that swollen lymph node chronically on the same side. So needless to say, alittle stressed between this starting the new job.

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