Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Yes Im sure there are "Im thankful for.." post ALL over the blogging land today and yes I will be adding one more!

I am so incredibly thankful for...

  1. My healthy vibrant sometimes annoying but always wonderful children. Gavin is so serious yet silly, smart, questions everything, and loves like crazy. Bre is such a goof ball. 
  2. A marriage built on respect and love and that I am married to someone I also trully consider a friend and partner. 
  3. A job that I love. Yes I would rather be rich and not be away from my kids as much but I LOVE going into work. I LOVE the people I work with and what I do. LOVE LOVE LOVE. 
  4. Being employed in a field that allows me to provide for my family and for us not to be paycheck to paycheck.
  5. My body for being able to run :)
  6. My closest friends - they keep me sane. 
  7. Facebook for keeping me entertained with peoples "garbage"
And I woke up to run before work since Im missing all of the Turkey Trots - did you run today?

I already warned work that I would be setting up shop in an empty patient room to do my notes today so I can watch the parade. I love the parade...

what are you doing today?

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