Friday, December 14, 2012


Today will be a good day.

Im sick of giving into the stressed out aspect of this time of year. Im sick of too many "to-do's" on the list and  no plan on how to attack them. Im sick of feeling sorry for myself for NO REASON. Im sick of thinking I dont deserve to come first and that I let life take over and plow me under with the massive piles of crap I need to do.

So first and foremost I went to the gym website and reserved my baby time - I will be so freaking happy when Bre is walking and I dont have to reserve time anymore! SHOCKINGLY I got the time I wanted for today, tomorrow and Sunday. I guess people are not heading to the gym and shopping instead. Silver lining - hopefully when the masses hit the gym after the first of the year Bre will be walking so I wont be fighting all these people for the baby slots!

Second, Im making a massive list of all list. The top will be what I HAVE to do today, tomorrow and sunday. The bottom will be what else needs to be done between now and xmas but will get done as things fit in.

Luckily since I worked 72 freaking hours in 8 days... I have 4 days off, work one then 3 days off, work 2 then 4 days off :)

I also have been thinking about how I log my food... so the ww app SUCKS. Big time. And I just cant get to a computer all the time to log things and carrying around a notebook wasnt working either. So I got some index cards. I will throw the index card in my pocket and will write things as I eat them and then some time through out the day I will get on the computer and log it. We will see how that works.

1 comment:

  1. I think the index card is a great idea.

    I'm glad you got your gym time squared away. I'll be one step behind you, soon.
